
Expo 2020 Majlis: Sessions on our digital future

The secret behind the advancement of humankind is the ability to think and comprehend matters beyond food and survival. We imagine, explore, interpret, believe, reason out and share ideas and concepts either to solve problems or to make our life easier and better. Our life would have been a lot different if communities and societies of deferred ethical, cultural and linguistic backgrounds shut doors of sharing ideas and concerns. Open communication opens up fresh perspectives and thoughts. Something which bothers us today may be a ‘puzzle solved long back’ for some others. Certain concerns can only be addressed if the entire human race collaborates and acts. Collaboration brings in the magical power of synergy. All this starts with a very simple yet powerful tool, Communication.

International Expos have always been a great platform for mutual dialogues of people from all across the globe belonging to different walks of life. Experts from different parts of the world come together on a single platform, share their ideas, concerns, thoughts and experiences helping people all over the world to make their lives easier, better and sophisticated. Expo 2020 Dubai has produdly been continuing this practice by merging it with the long established Emrati and Arab tradition of the majlis. World majlis is sparking global dialogue and inspiring new perspectives and conversations to find answers for the challenges of the 21st century.

Concerns of the 21st century can not be discussed without the progress we experience in the digitalisation of our life. Our real life has been undergoing changes to the extent that it is becoming hard to distinguish between reality and virtual reality. History teaches us that every progress that we make, every change we bring into our life to make it better comes with its own flip side. It’s up to us to make judicious decisions while adapting to the change. Hence, as an idea to discuss at World majlis 2020, the progress in digitalisation of different aspects of our life takes the front seat. Organisers of World majlis 2020 have realised this need and have organised an excellent platform for experts in different walks of life concerned with the massive digitalisation drive to share ideas, thoughts, visions, threats and concerns. All together these discussions reveal various aspects of our future before us, vividly.

World majlis 2020 has comprehensively covered the topics to be discussed in a brilliant manner. Some of the discussions that brought out ideas and thoughts about our digital future are briefly discussed as follows:

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1. Eyes up! - Navigating our new hyperconnected reality

Coinciding with UAE Innovation Month, Expo 2020 Dubai gathered students from schools across the UAE to discuss how we can be more responsible consumers of technology in our new hyperconnected reality and ways to ensure our relationship with technology benefits ourselves, our communities and society.

2. Shu El Akhbaar?

Public space reflects the society that creates it. In today’s world – dominated by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and an ever-changing technology that transforms the way we interact socially – what is the future of public space? Especially when 3D virtual worlds like Metaverse are transforming the way we interact.

Will public space still play a central role in the identity of cities and communities and their interactions? How is public space evolving to reflect how we learn, work, eat and shop? How can we find places where people can reconnect meaningfully outside of the digital realm? What new artistic, economic, or recreational needs can be met by innovative public space? In our digital future, how can public space evolve to keep us connected? This discussion was held on 14th October 2021 and was great food for thought for the participants and the entire world concerned.

Beyond Reality: Welcoming new worlds

This World majlis brought together senior thought leaders in the fields of technology, innovation and art to discuss augmented reality, mirror worlds and their impact on the future of humanity. The key questions raised were, how will these changes transform our lives and shape our interactions? What opportunities do these developments represent for collaboration, storytelling and understanding? What type of responsibility and ethical considerations will this entail? ideas and thoughts raised reflected the common concern shared by communities all across the globe.

Technology with heart and mind

The thought driving this discussion was, ‘How can technology serve humanity to promote tolerance, happiness and wellbeing?’ At Expo 2020 Dubai’s second Next Gen World Majlis, school students from across the UAE were asked to consider whether humanity is at risk of becoming overly dependent on technology, and how we can embrace the benefits of innovation without compromising on our personal creativity or intelligence.

Aligning clock speed

Transformation in technology, society and government. The pendulums of technology, government and society swing at different speeds. Technology innovation is faster than that of society and, in turn, changes within society are often ahead of government. Technologies with systemic impacts on people and communities also advance more rapidly than our ability to truly grasp their implications and to weigh short-term benefits against long-term concerns (or vice-versa).

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